Now offered online through our virtual tutoring platform, our tutoring programs supply students with all the knowledge and resources needed to achieve their academic goals. Each of our one-of-a kind tutors are carefully trained and tested to give you a quality of education you can only receive here.
Each of our sessions are two hours, assuring that our students have enough 1-on-1 time with their tutor to get the help they need. Our tutors are ready to help with homework, test-prep, study skills, and anything else our students need. Additionally, for a limited time we are adding on 1 Free Class to every online tutoring program. With your personalized tutoring schedule you'll also receive supplemental homework, study guides, and testing tips from your tutor.
Once a student is paired with a tutor, that tutor gets assigned the student permanently. This helps foster a strong Student-Tutor relationship, which is important in making our students feel comfortable and confident in their studies. If the student would like a different tutor, they can request a new one, anytime no-questions asked
To make sure our students get all the help they need, all of our students gain access to our weekly Group-Study Class, where our tutors have "question and answer" study sessions with students of the same subject. These two-hour courses essentially double your weekly tutoring hours, assuring that our students get over any academic hurdle that may come their way.
We got you covered with:
SAT Prep
ACT Prep
AP Exam Prep
DAT Prep
EOC Prep
Foreign Language Tutoring
Subject Specific Exams
College Advising
K-8 Homework Help
College Level Courses
Essay/Application Writing
and much more!
Click here to learn more about our programs!
Being a great tutor comes from the heart. That's why we pre-screen, personally interview, and train our amazing tutors to assure our students get the absolute best.
Come meet our team!
Want to talk to a professional?
Schedule a free E-Consultation with our founder, Dr. Parikh.
This allows us to provide our students with a personalized tutoring schedule, complete with homework assignments, study materials, and all the resources they'll need to achieve academic success
Our operating hours are Monday to Friday, 3:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Saturdays we are open 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Sundays are by appointment only.
1405 SW 107th Ave Suite 205 C
Miami, FL 33174
Tel. 305-968-6364
Check out one of our Free E-Classes!