ASVAB test prep | ASVAB tutor| Sapneil Tutoring
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Our comprehensive test prep services cover all important areas of the ASVAB, including practice exams, homework, study guides, and other resources. With our help, you can achieve the score you need to land your ideal role in the military.

Get the score you need to achieve your career goals

Sapneil Tutoring Inc. offre aux étudiants la formation de préparation SAT et ACT la plus perspicace, créative, stratégique et efficace - dans des ateliers en petits groupes, des groupes personnalisés et des formats de tutorat privé individuels au choix. Les stratégies et les compétences de réflexion critique sont personnellement dispensées par Sapneil lui-même, aucun autre tuteur n'est formé pour transmettre les techniques de pointe de Sapneil en matière de test. Nous ne sous-traitons pas nos tuteurs ; vous ne recevez que les stratégies de tutorat hautement qualifiées de Sapneil et des compétences efficaces en matière de test pour obtenir des résultats élevés à la fois sur le SAT et l'ACT.

Avec plus de dix ans d'expérience, le tutorat de plus de 1000 étudiants et l'analyse de plus d'une centaine d'examens différents, il n'y a personne de mieux que Sapneil pour préparer les étudiants aux tests SAT, ACT, PSAT et autres tests standardisés. Nos programmes SAT et ACT sont stimulants, informatifs et personnalisés pour répondre aux besoins de chaque élève en particulier. La qualification pédagogique de Sapneil est unique et lui donne un net avantage sur les autres tuteurs : il est titulaire de deux diplômes de maîtrise d'universités reconnues au niveau national et a passé divers examens standardisés, obtenant tous un score dans le 90e centile.

Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des nombreuses compétences que vous améliorerez grâce à Sapneil Tutoring Inc :

- Apprendre à lire activement

- Augmentez votre base de vocabulaire

- Apprenez les compétences grammaticales hautement testées

- Apprendre et réviser les concepts d'arithmétique, d'algèbre, de géométrie et de statistiques les plus couramment testés pour des tests standardisés

- Apprenez toutes les stratégies en mathématiques, en lecture, en écriture et en sciences pour améliorer vos compétences en matière de tests

- Apprenez à rédiger un essai SAT ou ACT efficace

- Entraînez-vous uniquement avec les examens de pratique officiels SAT ou ACT

Ace the ASVAB with a personalized study plan

Everyone learns differently, so why settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to ASVAB prep? Our comprehensive study plans are tailored to your individual needs, ensuring that you have all the tools and resources necessary to achieve your desired score. With practice exams, homework, study guides, and more, we'll help you succeed in the Armed Forces.


Ace the ASVAB with personalized tutoring

Don't settle for standard test prep. Our innovative and creative tutoring methods include both group and one-on-one sessions tailored to your specific needs. With our expert guidance, you'll be fully prepared and confident when it comes time to take the ASVAB and secure your dream job in the Armed Forces.

Ace the ASVAB with ease

Get access to all of our test prep resources through a convenient online student portal. From practice exams to study guides, we have everything you need to achieve your desired score on the ASVAB and land your dream job in the Armed Forces. Don't leave your future to chance – prepare with Sapneil Tutoring.


Get the score you need to start your dream job in the Armed Forces.

Testing Overview

The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a test designed to measure developed abilities and predict future academic and occupational success in the military. This multiple-aptitude battery is taken by over one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students every year. The results of the ASVAB help the military in assessing an individual's strengths and weaknesses, and in assigning a suitable job role that aligns with their abilities.

How to Register

If you're interested in taking the ASVAB for military application, you'll need to contact a military recruiter. You can find a recruiter near you by visiting Todays Military Website. Once a recruiter determines that you're otherwise qualified, they'll schedule a time for you to take the ASVAB at the nearest Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) or affiliated Military Entrance Test (MET) site.

Testing Dates

The testing dates for the ASVAB vary by location and availability. If you are interested in taking the ASVAB, you will need to contact a military recruiter to find out when and where you can take the exam. Once the recruiter determines that you are otherwise qualified, they will schedule a time for you to take the exam at the closest Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) or an affiliated Military Entrance Test (MET) site. It's important to note that the ASVAB is typically administered during regular business hours on weekdays. Contact your local recruiter for more information on testing dates and locations.


The exam in question has a total time allowance of 154 minutes for students to complete all of its sections. If taken on paper, the exam typically takes about three hours to complete with administrative tasks, but the total time allocated for answering questions is 149 minutes.

What's Covered on Exam



Both the paper-based and computer-based ASVAB versions are intended to measure the same knowledge, meaning that an individual's score should not vary depending on which version they take. However, there is one significant difference between the two versions: the adaptability of the computer-based exam. This version of the exam adapts to the test-taker's ability level as they answer questions. If they answer a question correctly, they are presented with a more difficult question, and if they answer a question incorrectly, they are given an easier question. This adaptability helps to accurately determine the test-taker's ability level and can make the exam more efficient by reducing the number of questions that need to be answered.


The ASVAB is composed of ten subtests, each of which is scored based on the performance of a sample of test-takers across the nation. The process of classification assigns a military job to eligible candidates based on their composite scores, which are calculated by combining different ASVAB subtest scores. 


The AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test) score is the most crucial part of the ASVAB. It assesses an individual's eligibility to enlist in the U.S Armed Forces. Additionally, the AFQT score determines the incentives and bonuses you can qualify for in your enlistment contract - the higher the score, the higher the rewards you can receive. The ASVAB can also be converted into 10 composite score areas known as "line scores," which determine what military occupational specialty (MOS) you may qualify for.

The Sapneil Difference

When you select Sapneil Tutoring for your student's test preparation, you get

  • personalized 1-on-1 private tutoring sessions

  • exclusive access to Dr. Sapneil's tried and tested strategies and cognitive skills

  • a tailored learning program

  • an e-learning platform

  • supplementary assistance as per your requirements


This way, you can rest assured that your student will receive the best possible test preparation.


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