ACT | ACT Test Prep | Sapneil Tutoring
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Our expert tutors provide customized study plans to help you achieve your highest possible ACT score. With diagnostic testing and personalized sessions, we'll help you master the test-taking skills you need for success.

Ace the ACT with personalized test prep services

Sapneil Tutoring Inc. offre agli studenti la formazione più approfondita, creativa, strategica ed efficace per la preparazione SAT e ACT: in seminari per piccoli gruppi, gruppi personalizzati e formati di tutoraggio privato 1 contro 1 tra cui scegliere. Le strategie e le capacità di pensiero critico sono fornite personalmente da Sapneil stesso, nessun altro tutor è formato per fornire le tecniche all'avanguardia di Sapneil per sostenere i test. Non subappaltiamo i nostri tutor; ricevi solo le strategie di tutoraggio altamente qualificate di Sapneil e le efficaci capacità di sostenere i test per ottenere risultati elevati sia su SAT che su ACT.


Con oltre dieci anni di esperienza, tutoraggio di oltre 1000 studenti e analisi di oltre cento esami diversi, non c'è nessuno meglio di Sapneil per preparare gli studenti a SAT, ACT, PSAT e altri test standardizzati. I nostri curricula SAT e ACT sono stimolanti, informativi e personalizzati per soddisfare le esigenze di ogni particolare studente. Il titolo di studio di Sapneil è unico e gli conferisce un netto vantaggio rispetto ad altri tutor: ha due master di università riconosciute a livello nazionale e ha sostenuto vari esami standardizzati, ottenendo un punteggio del 90° percentile su tutti.


Queste sono solo alcune delle molte abilità che migliorerai attraverso Sapneil Tutoring Inc:


- Impara a leggere attivamente

- Aumenta la tua base di vocabolario

- Impara le abilità grammaticali altamente testate

- Imparare e rivedere i concetti di aritmetica, algebra, geometria e statistica più comunemente testati per i test standardizzati

- Impara tutte le strategie di matematica, lettura, scrittura e scienze per migliorare le tue capacità di sostenere i test

- Impara come scrivere un saggio SAT o ACT efficace

- Esercitati solo con esami di pratica ufficiali SAT o ACT



Get the personalized attention you need to ace the ACT

Every student has different strengths and weaknesses. That's why our program offers personalized study plans tailored to focus on the subjects you struggle with most. With diagnostic testing and customized sessions, you'll get the individualized attention you need to succeed on the ACT exam.


Maximize your potential with personalized study plans

Every student has unique strengths and weaknesses when it comes to preparing for the ACT exam. With our customized study plans and full access to resources on our student online portal, we help you maximize your potential and achieve higher scores. Plus, with diagnostic testing to measure progress and identify areas of improvement, you can be confident in your success.

Achieve your highest ACT score with personalized tutoring

Don't settle for a cookie-cutter approach to test prep. With Sapneil Tutoring's ACT Test Prep Services, you'll receive personalized group or 1-on-1 private sessions tailored to your unique strengths and weaknesses. Our college-level tutors are highly qualified in complex math and science and will adjust to your learning style to help you achieve your highest ACT score. Start with diagnostic testing and let us generate the best plan.


Take control of your future and achieve your academic dreams with ACT Test Prep services.

Testing Overview

​The ACT is a standardized test for college admissions in the US that measures a student's preparedness in five core areas: English, Math, Reading, Science, and optional Writing. Its goal is to assess college readiness.

How to Register

You can register for the ACT online by visiting their website.

Testing Dates

The ACT is administered several times throughout the year, typically on Saturdays. There are several ACT testing dates available in the academic year. You can click here for the most current upcoming dates.


Writing Section: 3 hours and 35 minutes

Without Writing Section: 2 hours and 55 minutes

What's Covered on Exam



Each of the four sections is scored on a scale of 1 to 36. These scores are averaged together to get your composite score, which also ranges from 1 to 36. The optional essay is scored separately on a scale of 2 to 12 and is not included in the composite score.


The ACT does not penalize for wrong answers, so guessing is ok as a last resort.


Scores are released 10 days after the exam. Click here for upcoming release dates

The Sapneil Difference

When you select Sapneil Tutoring for your student's test preparation, you get

  • personalized 1-on-1 private tutoring sessions

  • exclusive access to Dr. Sapneil's tried and tested strategies and cognitive skills

  • a tailored learning program

  • an e-learning platform

  • supplementary assistance as per your requirements


This way, you can rest assured that your student will receive the best possible test preparation.


Ready To Get Started?

Let's explore a personalized learning approach that will guide you or your student towards achieving success.
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