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Tips for Conquering the Common Application

Writer's picture: Sapneil ParikhSapneil Parikh

As of August 1, 2021, the Common Application is live. The Common App can be used to apply to over 900 colleges and universities in the U.S, as well as overseas. The application is a convenient way to put all of your college applications information in one place.

1. Make a Common App account and keep track of your login information.

Make sure that you save your login information and that you use an email address that you check regularly.

2. Keep track of all emails

This one is worth repeating. You will be receiving important instructions and reminders from colleges regarding your college applications.

3. Keep track using a calendar of all Common App updates

Make sure that you are keeping track of all the deadlines for submitting applications or supplemental material. Use a physical or digital calendar to keep track of these dates.

4. Start a master file (Both paper and google doc) of all the schools you are applying to

Either on your computer or in a physical folder, keep your documents for each school in one place.

5. Fine-tune your common App essay and supplemental essays.

Most schools require you to write at least one essay (the main Common App essay, also known as the Personal Statement.) We strongly recommend you also write the school’s supplemental essay, eve if it says it is optional. The supplemental essay is considered an important part of your application because it is a way of showing your interest in the school

6. Review your application carefully and keep track of your progress.

Review your application to make sure you are not making silly mistakes. Students can preview each part of the Common App to make sure they are completing each section correctly. Once you are ready to submit the application, right before you click “Review and Submit,” we recommend you print a PDF of the application to review.

7. Print records and take screenshots.

Take screenshots of applications, emails and responses, and keep them in the corresponding folder.

8. Set manageable goals.

Set aside enough time to complete your application without rushing. Write down deadlines and keep track of when you need to complete certain tasks, including contacting teachers for recommendation letters. Proofread your application before submitting.

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