A major effect to college admission requirements due to COVID-19 is many schools turning subject test-optional. Keep in mind this will not last forever, in fact, it is said to last solely for this upcoming admissions cycle 2020-2021. Due to many high schools allowing for pass/ fail rather than traditional grades colleges/universities will also be placing less importance on an incoming student’s GPA. Rather, they will focus on a student’s extracurriculars and even greater importance on the admissions essays. Although one essay consisting of 650 words doesn’t seem like a lot of space to express yourself through multiple drafts and assistance from teachers, parents, and community leaders it can be achieved. In these essays, a student should try and show how they will benefit the universities they are applying for and how they would greater achieve the specific goals of their chosen college/ university. Some schools have allowed for a push back on their application deadlines including early decision and early action. As each school is making its own decisions on how to move forward during the crisis it is advised to go onto each college/university website under the admissions tab to fully understand how each school will adjust to this year’s changes. They understand how difficult applying and choosing a school can be, so these pages are very simple to follow and always offer a line to their admissions officers either by chat, email, or phone call. Don’t wait to or feel nervous about asking questions.
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